Block Guide

Minecraft Block Guide

Explore the world of Minecraft through its diverse blocks. This guide will help you understand essential information about blocks and their properties.

Vital Block Information

Blocks in Minecraft possess vital information that includes:

  • Mineability: Whether a block can be mined and the tool required for efficient mining.
  • Stack Size: The maximum number of blocks that can be stacked in a single inventory slot.
  • Mineable with: The type of tool needed to mine the block effectively.
  • Object Type: The category to which the block belongs (e.g., solid, liquid, etc.).
  • Hardness: A measure of how difficult a block is to break.

For detailed insights into a specific block, utilize the following command as an example:

/block diamond_ore

Minecraft Block Listing

Below is a list of all blocks in Minecraft. Utilize the provided command to learn more about each block.

Block NameCommand
Grass Block/block grass_block
Stone/block stone
Dirt/block dirt
Oak Log/block oak_log
Sand/block sand
Gravel/block gravel
Iron Ore/block iron_ore
Gold Ore/block gold_ore
Diamond Ore/block diamond_ore
Coal Ore/block coal_ore
Redstone Ore/block redstone_ore
Lapis Lazuli Ore/block lapis_ore
Netherrack/block netherrack
Obsidian/block obsidian
Bedrock/block bedrock
Water/block water
Lava/block lava
Sandstone/block sandstone
Red Sandstone/block red_sandstone
Cobblestone/block cobblestone
Mossy Cobblestone/block mossy_cobblestone
Brick/block brick
Nether Brick/block nether_brick
Quartz Ore/block quartz_ore
End Stone/block end_stone
Emerald Ore/block emerald_ore

& More...

Dive into the diverse collection of Minecraft blocks, utilizing the command for each block to acquire in-depth knowledge about their properties.